  • (314) 384-9304

March 23, 2020

Seasonal Allergy Symptoms vs. Covid-19 Symptoms

seasonal allergies vs covid 19


The world is in a panic about the novel Coronavirus known as COVID-19 and people are rightly concerned, especially as this virus is spreading in America just as the spring allergy season is upon us. That’s why it’s important to talk about the differences between a spring allergy and a viral infection in general and the Coronavirus specifically.


The Different Causes of Allergies and COVID-19

But first, we need to understand there are different causes. Colds and the flu, just like COVID-19, are all caused by viruses and there are hundreds of different viruses that can cause a cold or flu. However, there is only one virus at this time that’s causing the novel Coronavirus.

Although we see colds and the flu more often in the winter, they can develop at any time of the year. An allergy, on the other hand, is not caused by a virus and it’s not contagious, like colds and the flu or the coronavirus. An allergy occurs because the immune system reacts to a typically harmless substance, we call it an allergen, that’s in the atmosphere and reacts to it as if it was dangerous. The body is essentially protecting itself from these allergens. How does it do that? The body releases chemical compounds to combat those allergens and one of those chemicals is called histamine. Histamine is intended to protect the body and to fight an invader but it’s also the cause of many common allergy symptoms.

Different Symptoms

The easiest way to differentiate any viral infection from an allergy is how the symptoms develop. The symptoms of a viral infection tend to come on gradually and they get worse with time. Allergic reactions to pollens and pets usually occur around the time of the exposure. The problem is that there tends to be overlap in symptoms when it comes to viral infections and allergies, such as nasal issues and coughing, but a virus triggers other symptoms.

If you have the flu, you’re likely to feel more rundown, have a fever, cough, aches, pain, sore throat, especially from the coughing. Whereas spring allergies, on the other hand, commonly include itchy and watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath and often with a postnasal drip that causes a cough.

Symptoms of COVID-19

The symptoms of COVID-19 virus are fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, which can include headaches, these are headaches that are not related to sinus congestion, aches and pains, sore throat, and fatigue. But rarely does COVID-19 cause a runny nose, nor does it cause sneezing or itchy or watery eye.  In other words, if you have a fever with a cough or shortness of breath, you should immediately call your doctor and self-quarantine until otherwise told by your medical professional to do something different.

It is imperative at this time to protect yourself and others, especially if you’re over 60 or immune-compromised or have chronic health problems. The old saying holds very true today; it’s better to be safe than sorry.

So, now you know the difference between the COVID-19 viral symptoms and spring allergy symptoms. I hope you’ve learned something useful from the Allergy Relievers in St. Louis Allergy Relief Center, wishing you and your family good health and thanking you for watching.



If you suffer from allergies, and you have been unsuccessful with allergy treatments or are looking for something different, St. Louis Allergy Relief Center treats allergies holistically without the use of pain or pills. We are an allergy wellness center specializing in natural treatments. We specialize in holistic, natural allergy treatments using Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT). We provide you with a detailed treatment plan after completing a comprehensive assessment to determine environmental stressors that may be triggering allergies or allergy-like symptoms. Visit our website to learn more or call us at 314-384-9304.

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