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Seasonal Allergies

Allergies in August | The End of Summer Misery

Most people identify seasonal allergies with spring pollen and then confuse summer allergy symptoms with a common cold or Covid. Summer and spring allergy symptoms are the same—runny nose, coughing and sneezing, itchy/watery eyes, or a sore throat. Typically, seasonal allergy symptoms do not include fever and shortness of breath which are more common with colds and Covid.
August is usually considered the start of summer allergies.  That is the month when ragweed surfaces as the most common allergen.

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Food-Pollen Cross-Reactors

Food-Pollen Cross-Reactors

Food-Pollen Cross-Reactors. Did you notice that the Spring allergy season started early this year? Like in January! Once again the experts are predicting this year’s allergy season will be the worst one yet. We’ve heard that before. And they’re right again this year! A mild Winter brings on an early […]

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changes in weather allergies

How Changes in Weather Affect Allergy Symptoms

How Changes in Weather Affect Allergy Symptoms, Headaches, and Pain   Most people think they are having an allergic reaction when they experience allergy-like symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and in some cases, headaches. However, sometimes those symptoms are not an allergic reaction to something, but a […]

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ragweed allergies

What to Know About Ragweed Allergies

Ragweed is a soft-stemmed flowering plant that is common across the U.S.  Although ragweed is abundant everywhere, it flourishes in areas that get lots of sunshine. Between spring and early fall, ragweed plants produce pollen grains that are transported by the wind. Depending on the specific location, ragweed may start […]

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