  • (314) 384-9304

May 20, 2019

What Makes St. Louis A Top Ranked Allergy Location?

St. Louis is ranked as one of the worst US cities for allergies. This was the simple answer Dr. Ian Wahl,  the founder of Midwest Allergy Relief Center in Chicago, had when choosing to open another practice in St. Louis. Why St. Louis? Dr. Wahl knew they had the solution to those who were suffering from allergies in this city.

Why St. Louis? St. Louis is ranked as one of the worst US cities for allergies

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ranked St. Louis as one of the 10 worst cities for allergies every year since the start of the rankings. In the past, the city has even been ranked as the worst on the scale.  One reason is that St. Louis is known for its very high mold levels. This is especially bad for fall allergies, since St. Louis sees very high concentrations of mold spores during the fall months. Mold is a type of fungi that can grow indoors and outdoors and spreads quickly through the use of spores. Mold spores are air pollutants that can wreak havoc on respiratory health because they cause reactions in people sensitive to them—red and itchy eyes, runny nose, headaches, skin rashes and sneezing. Those who suffer from asthma may experience even more severe reactions, such as difficulty breathing and fever.

Another reason the incidence of allergies is so high in St. Louis is because the area is located in a river valley (between two rivers). Because of the moisture in the area, not only is there profuse mold growth, but also an abundant variety of plants and trees that produce pollen in the spring, summer and fall.  In addition, St. Louis rainfall and significant winds, mean allergies are bound to be a problem. This is what makes it a perfect place to have a natural allergy treatment clinic.

How St. Louis Allergy Relief Center works

St. Louis Allergy Relief Center works in a different way than any other allergy relief clinic. We are an allergy wellness center specializing only in natural treatments. We are passionate about helping adults and children achieve their optimum level of health through our all natural therapies. We specialize in holistic, natural allergy treatments using Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT). AAT treatments are painless and non-invasive, involving no shots or needles, no drugs or herbal supplements, and no avoidance. Our treatments are gentle enough for infants and seniors. We provide you with a detailed treatment plan after completing a comprehensive assessment to determine food and environmental stressors that may be triggering allergies or allergy-like symptoms in you or your children.

We also work with western medical doctors to coordinate treatments if a patient is already under care for allergies, asthma or other sensitivities. Since we are a family practice, we know families and we know kids. Our staff is highly trained, and half our practice is pediatric. We are all parents and grandparents ourselves and know the struggles of having children with allergies. We also deliver community workshops as well as a free monthly informational workshop the first Thursday of every month at 5:45 pm in our Chesterfield office.  Our free monthly workshop provides the public with information on our unique approach to allergy treatments and includes an opportunity to meet with our patients for a question and answer session. If you are interested in attending one of our free monthly workshops, please call our office at 314-384-9304 to reserve your space.

St. Louis Allergy Relief Center is the best natural allergy clinic to help you live your life without suffering from allergies and sensitivities. Visit our website to learn more or call us at 314-384-9304.


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