Food-Pollen Cross-Reactors
Food-Pollen Cross-Reactors. Did you notice that the Spring allergy season started early this year? Like in January! Once again the experts are predicting this year’s allergy season will be the worst one yet. We’ve heard that before. And they’re right again this year!
A mild Winter brings on an early Spring as trees start budding early (which they are doing right now) and the grasses and weeds emerge while at the same time mold develops from our wet yards, fields, and parks. Just like last year, this Spring will be the perfect storm for allergy sufferers.
But the real problem now is that the pollens themselves have changed. Apparently, pollen is directly affected by greenhouse gasses. Rising CO2 levels cause plants to produce more pollen. On top of that, the pollen is more potent than ever before. The result? More pollen is being produced and it’s super-charged to boot.
To top that off, pollens cross-react with foods and vice versa. There is a physiological and biological mechanism at work between foods and pollens that creates a cascade of multiple problems. In other words, if you are eating foods that cross-react with the pollens you are sensitive to, your symptoms may be worse. In addition, if you have seasonal allergies, over time you may find that you develop food sensitivities to those food-pollen cross-reactors. Our bodies are very complex and we have a much more delicately balanced relationship with our environment than we like to think. Actually, even our pets can develop similar allergies and sensitivities.
Below is a simple chart of a few of the food-pollen cross-reactors to be aware of this spring and summer. You should print it out as a reference. While the chart is an important reference for those experiencing sinus problems, it is also an excellent reference for those of you who experience skin and digestive symptoms. Remember, if your eczema or GI problems are related to the same components that are in both foods as well as pollens or plants, your flare-ups are being triggered by that complex cascade of cross-reactors.
If you are experiencing any symptoms, please give our office a call at 314 384-9304. And be sure to check out especially our testimonial page. Our latest AAT update was the most inclusive one yet—it included revised allergen signals of all the pollens that have changed or mutated. Now, before this allergy season erupts, is the perfect time to get tested and treated.